
bunny likes memes : O

1. Post these rules, (if you are going to do it).

2. Each tagged person must post 10 answers to all questions about themselves on their journal.

3. At the end, you have to tag 10 people that probably won't do this meme anyway!

TEN things about you:

1. I love wings, they fascinate me so.

2. When I was younger I used to be captivated by Pokemon, and I still find them to be adorable, for the most part.

3. There should be a rule against me drinking Amp Energy drinks. I'm already hyperactive, so giving me an energy drink is like saying you want me to chase after a car going 30mph in reverse (from experience I can openly say this: You do N O T wanna chase one of those, if you run into them when they hit the brakes? You end up on the hood urrkk)

4. I need to clean my room, rather badly.

5. hurr penguins should be petted

6. I can't remember the lyrics for Jingle Bells any more than the students in my History class can stay awake during one of the debates//lectures I get involved in.

7. I am not a super.

8. I like to watch FlapJack, Big Time Rush, The Mentalist, and Chowder.

9. Female = I be.

10. Puppies are effective in the use of pillows.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:

1. Radioactive Muffins versus Radioactive Pants.


3. ..Your face.

4. ffff Everyone knows what aer is, derp dur dur.

5. When I get some cash, we're gonna go some place awesome, and then we're gonna totally live it up and crap. Yeah.

6. What. What.. I'm suspicious.

7. SCREAM! With emphasis, not on your face.

8. Why did you make me give him your book back? If he wants to cry about it, let him cry. You said I could read the frigging book, and now you let this whiney-cry-baby theif STEAL it? B| I don't get you, I don't get humanoids.. Sigh....


10. STFU. You did not break your toe, stop complaining.

TEN ways to win your heart:

1. Give me your complete attention, don't alternate your attention based on what new  thing fancies you.

2. I like it when people draw me stuff! 'Cause I dislike my own art, some of the time!

3. Plushes, paper children, and Nooks are the bomb diggity.

4. Smile a lot;  because I tend to look either pissed off, neutral, or when I do smile I'm so hyper it's spastic.

5. Concern. Worry. -- Care. Empathy. -- Love. Accept.

6. Gimme some hugs that do not involve strangling me! I know a few people in my History class who need to learn that...

7. When I am wrong you need to accept that it is my opinion, but if it is highly wrong you need to gently tell me the problem at hand (along with solutions).

8. Invite me to a bookstore, gaming store, or to go shopping//see a movie.

9. Learn to put up with my... abnormalties, (If you know me, this should make sense, sadly).

10. Strike up a conversation now and again, often times I don't bother speaking to other humans due to the lack of understanding in what I say and or do.

TEN things that cross your mind a lot:

1. Chores

2. School

3. Friends

4. Future

5. The Nook, by Barnes & Noble

6. Penguins

7. Muffins vs. Cupcakes

8. Politics

9. ogawdwhut FLOFF

10. durrp, go AWAY

TEN people who mean a lot at the moment:

1. Tophy--bff//you know who

2. Zephy--Kaa-san//bff//wtf you know who

3. Ti-chan--bff/devART person

4. Tots--twin sister//archnemesis

5. Haley--bff//classmate

6. Hailey--childhood friend

7. Claire--bff//classmate

8. Conner--classmate

9. Runo--bff//you frigging better know who

10. No Name--bunny//pet//friend

TEN songs that you listen to often lately:

1. Fireflies -- Owl City

2. Nickel Back (in general)

3. Life House (in general)

4. A*Teens (in general)

5. Radio stations ? idk

6. Commercials

7. Jason Mraz (in general)

8. 3 Doors Down (in general)

9. Colbie Calliat (in general)

10. your mom

TAG TEN PEOPLE: no thank you.


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