
le another haircut? ;D

Ahaha, So after about.. a month or 4 - 5 weeks at the most of my new hair cut, I kinda feel like i want another one. DERRP. Listen, I know Iknow, ANOTHER?! But My hair grows pretty fast. My shortest layers are like now in the middle of my cheeks. ( They used to be around my nose) Plus I feel like my stylist didn't make the layers short as what I wanted. For the look I was going for, my haircut looked like an over grown version of it. xD I'll show pictures, But what do you think? Should i get it re-cut right before school, or let it grow and cut it when it turns into what it was before? I really want shortshortshort, I REPEAT, SHORT layers but still keep my length.

PICTURES; what I want.
but maybe just a yeee longer. Her style is "Asian Mullet" or " Scene Hair" or whatever. I just want real short layers but not as short as hers. So around;

Her? I dunno. XD These pictures are linhny1011 and secretlifeofabionerd on Youtube. They don't belong to me

Hrrrrm Do you think it would look okay on me? xD



Well, I think it might look cute. You could probably pull it off.(=
-Ashley aka Bunny aka BG

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