
I swear. "Saving the world is easier than falling in Love."

gaah. So Yesterday was my schools winter dance. And well about that guy I wrote about like a few weeks ago, the one in the halls. Well his name is Bryan. So I decided to you know, talk to him and stuff. (i talked to shikyy about it and yeah xD) So me and my best guy friend Andy ( the one in the green tea story xD) we get in together since most of his friends skipped this day. So then yeah, we start dancing and stuff. I see Bryan just come in the doors so I decide to go over and talk with him. Then Andy just pulled me and told me to keep dancing. So I was like. "Ooh, shure." and so i just let it slide. Bryan walked in the cafeteria to go buy a drink with his friends.I decided to just walk over and dance with my friends Cindy and Jessica. Then Andy just kept following me around. So I saw Bryan again and was about to make my way over him until Andy pulled me again. I looked at him and was like 'What? o_O" Andy just said nothing and pulled me in the front to dance. I started getting alittle annoyed. So Then we went to the Cafeteria and drank pop. I had to share mine with Andy cuhz he "had no money" well after we finished the drink he pulled out his wallet. and it had 5 bucks in it -.- So THENN. I go back to the dance. I see Bryan and I just MAKE my way there. thenn Friggin Andy just pulls me back.The song changed into a slow song. and so he grabs my arms and starts slow dancing with me. So im like 'Wth man." so I pull away and head out into the halls. He follows me. So Im just like "Wtf man, you keep pulling me, why? I saw Shandie, why don;t you just dance with her?" (Shandie is who he likes) then he grabs me to a different place and was like. "..I like you, will you go out with me." i just stare at him for like 10 secs. Then I say "No, sorry. I like someone else." then i start walking back into the gym until he grabs my arm and is like "Ana, I know you like Bryan. But give up, hes in grade 8, he probaly likes someone else." I turn towards him and I say " It doesn't hurt to try." I yank my arm away from him and walked back to the gym. So then the dance ends and I walk to bryan. I don;t know what to say so Im like. "do you know where mr. botros is?, He took my phone." Him"I think hes in the office." Me;"really? thanks :D" Him;"no problem. :D" then yeahh. o-o I take my phone and go home.

GAHH. DXXX This ish like SO hard. DX I mean Andy is my best guy friend. DXand like now this happened. DX T-T. ish like sooo awkard now. Plus. 2weeks ago, he said he liked Shandie. So he said he asked her out today and she said no. So am I like fucking second choice? like WTF.  Help? D: sighh . Bye bye now T.T



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