

o_o ITS ARE TRUEEE. I HAD AN EFFING DREAM ABOUT "HIM" nooo not "HIMHIM' BUT DA HIM like HIMMM. wait.... I mean da dude in daHalls -.-  KAYKAY SO LIEK

I dreamt that It was school again. and That the school dance was going on(again o.O) so like I was just walking in the halls untill I saw "Him" I stopped by my locker and he called out my name. He was like "Ana!"
I turn around and is like "me? o.O" Him "Yeah, come here" me;*Closes locker and walks to him* Then I see mah friend Lisa walk by smirking. o.O Him:"Are you going to the Dance with anyone?" Me"No." Him:"Want to go with me? (:" Me;*Thinks* "Am I IN HEAVEEENNN? 8D"  Then is like "sure." Him:"Okay i'll meet you at the doors then :D" Then I walk to my class. So then Im wearing my glasses and is walking down the halls. then somehow (Maybe I've been reading too many Shoujo Mangas o.o) He takes my glasses, wears them and starts teasing me. o.o (YES THE SHOUJO MANGAS D<) So I'm like 'heyy, give them backk, your taller then me, NO FAIR D<" SO like the dance starts and he told me he had to go drop his stuff at his locker. So then I start having locker problems o-o and Like I have such a hard time and Then i just give up, drop my stuff and run to the gym. o-o I see him and Say sorry for being late. and hes all like "its alright. (:" So then we go in and like the music ish like slow. so we start slow dancing and BAM. I wake up. o-o

At first im like. "WTFUDGeee. O_O" xDDD Then I just look around. "Oh hey its 10;38am 8D"*gets out of bed* xDDDD Tehn yeah. I know, STRANGE. o-o WHYYy. WHY DID I HAVE THIS DREAM? o-o So uhm what you call it? Fairy tale ish like. Gotta lay of teh shoujo manga -.- xDD

--- Tophie.


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