
Random stuff of what happened today at my school. x3

Lol. Today was funny, but, weird. My thumb kept bleeding for some odd reason. o_o Last recess, I was in the library with my friend, her name ish, "Courtney." When we we're leaving I noticed my 2nd finger had blood on it, I was like, "What the heck?" Then I looked at my thumb and it was bleeding, like... crazy. o_o Then, I thought there would be kleenex's in the room I was going to next class, I went there, and there was none. >.> I went to the washroom, but, I saw my teacher that I had that class, I was like, "Um... I'm going to the washroom to wash my hands, cause uh... *Shows her my thumb.*" Her: ...o.o What happened? Me: ...I don't know. xD Her: o.o Kay then. *Goes to get me a bandade too* Is it a papercut? Me: ...No. o.o Her: ...Weird. *Gives me bandade.

Then I went to the washroom, two people in my class were there, then I told them what happened and when we we're leaving and I mentioned my teachers name her son was like. "...That's my mom. x3" XD

After school, I went over to where my hugging buddy was and told her the story and she was like. "...You should cut it off. X3" Me: ....No thanks. =) One of my teachers walk by, he's a industrial arts teacher as well. Her: o.o I know! He can cut it off! =D Me: ...No thanks. Him: Cut what off? =D Me: ...Nothing. =D *Walks to my sister's class.* XD

Then, when I was outside, I was in my sisters car, and two of my teachers we're walking by, and I waved at them then they waved back. o_o XDDD And that's it. =D Thanks for reading. =)

~ Runo ♦


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