
I am alone in this weirdness.

Not dead dead, but like choking dead. You know what I mean?

LOL, okay. So, everybody has a nightmare somewhere along the line, correct? Well, it should be correct.. But ugh, my nightmares are like Dr. Seuss books! They haunt me whenever I have a nightmare,  and they're not even scary to other people. It's just me who has to put up with this terrifying Dr. Seuss crud whenever I see a horror film that doesn't agree with me or something bad happens to make me have a night fright to begin with. I'll just describe the one I have most often, and usually it's only between three so I guess I should be used to them by now- but ah, alas it is not meant to be:

Lucid colours dawning dew dappled meadows with booming brightness and baby grasses. Lit by violet skies holding up fluffy clouds with the appearance of angel's wings or teddy bear  stuffing by day, but by night one hundred thousand glittering stars and luminescent fire flies dot the darkening indigo horizon. Forests of towering pines, oaks, and birch guarding river edges portraying Knightly essence within the lights of early morn, midday, dusk. Trees withholding brilliant colours and stripes on their brightly coloured trunks and limbs. Colours blood red, lemon yellow, neon green, hot pink outlining the trees and plants. A three story house stands in the middle of an expanse of tall-winding hot pink grass, suddenly a small girl walks out of the Victorian style porch doorway, holding a bright red balloon and dawning an intense yellow rain coat and boots. She releases the balloon and begins to search for her missing family, she does not know where they went. Walking slowly while swiveling her head to look at her surroundings for her missing kin, and ends up with no results. The little girl is no longer a "little girl", but a thirteen year old girl. Her appearance has changed as well: intense yellow raincoat and boots remain the same, black and white leggings are rising up out of the boots now, many-pocketed shorts dawn around her hips, and newly lengthened dirty blonde hair rests near-shoulder length. She hops up off of the tangling pink grass, dusts off her yellow jacket, and begins to run. She runs towards a massive canyon-like gorge, peers over the edge with hair whipping around, and spots her missing kin. 
The gorge is no longer there- but instead a monster's mouth, her family is swallowed.
She utters no sound, she is in silence, all is black as a floating feeling waves over her. 
No longer where she once was. She finds that she is now in her family's basement, within the grasp of a net. A prowling pink panther lurks below. 

End, I don't feel like typing any more, just not feeling it. But yip, you see? My nightmares are so strange. [This is also @ 4scaryclocks,] :D
In the end I result in somehow locking my fifth grade class in a closet to be eaten by the Cat-in-a-Hat and my sister, mother, father run away to the Sky Palace's Hospital to cure my twin sister from being bitten by a giant tarantula disguised as my mom's schnauzer dog, and I gain wings behind my ears somewhere along the line..


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