
Getting High on tea. (:

LAWL. so mmkay. Yesterday, 11/12/09, I had to go to play at the winter concert. soooo After the concert we were just waiting for our rides, eating popcorn. So then we all had a thrist for Water. xD and my friend Andy, he had one bottle on Liptons Green Tea. So Me,Andy, Peter, and Cindy all drink from it ( We're thirsty D:) so then like 5 minutes later. Me and Andy get REALLY HYPER. xDD We start talking about sheep. o_o and liek we were like "1 SHEEEEEP. 8D" *5 Seconds later* "2 SHEEEEEEPPP. 8DDD" xDDD Then leik we went up to 15 sheep till Cindy started recording us. xD and leik Peter was just talking on the phone with his dad (in Cantonese :0) Somehow. Peter and Cindy didn't get effected :0 Leik do you get hyper from drinking tea and sharing it with 4 people? o_O xDD SO leik we kept going on and on. and then the Care Taker walked by us and was like "Are you okay?! o-o" Cindy;"yesh. (:" Me:"WE DRANK TEAAAAA. 8D" Care Taker;*Confused* "How can you get hyper on tea? o.O, All well. alright kids, you sure your okay?" Us:"YES. =D" Him:" Kay then' *walks away* then we started talking about our popcorn and how it was very delicious and stuff.xD Then Ms.Mann(yes thats her namme xD) she looked at us and was like "Are Your Rides Here Yet?!" Cindy"I dunno o_o" Her:"Well go to the front door and wait there. -.-" Soo Tehnn. we waited outside. xD Peter just chucked the Bottle of tea in the snow somewhere. I was liek "HEYY. SUCH A WASTE D:" I mean the bottle wasn't even half empty! D: So leik i went searching for it in the snow,. xDD tehn Cindys mom came so we had to go ): so we left Peter and Andy behind 8D but in the Morning today, Andy was like"Peter made me look for the Tea.Me:really?did you find it? :D" Him"Noo. ):"

xDD So yeah. We got "High" or "hyper" on Green tea. xD Maybe our leik saliva went into da bottle and leik it made some kind of hyper potion o_o lawl Hyper Potion. reminds me of Pokemon. XDDD

Kaykay. SO yeahh. fun day (: Now I goo. byeeee. 8D

---Tophie/Ana/Banana. (:


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