

Sorry about dying for a while there! (8
I just kind of got caught up in all of my school work, family, and broke my laptop.. XDD

I've been running around in circles to get all of my homework done, yet that is mainly due to my own irresponsible actions.. Probably should have finished my RAFT earlier on in the month. o.o However, I am not all too responsible with matters such as this... So my homework will just have to stew a bit while I type this out.

Also: Some may or may not know this little tidbit, but I broke my Wacom Intuos 3.0 tablet. :3 I took it back and forth between my mother's and my father's home... and well, it quite obviously endured an amount of suffering through that and decided to crap out and die on me! Not that I blame it, xD I'd probably die if I were a tablet getting myself lugged on buses, through hallways, and across a gravel drive.
The lesson here: Mind your item's Directions and guide, and don't be stupid like BG! :D

((Yes, I am getting a new one. Hopefully it lasts- should get it Sunday/Monday-ish))


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