
Just my luck, huh?

BG: Okay. I think you can see from the title that this is not a "BG Random Go-Lucky" post. XD But please just read it and get it over with lol. It's not that serious... just a little rant. =P

(actually, you can either read this crap that has a 50/50 chance of being entertaining, or you can read my short and to the point summary at the end. Either way it's the same information)

***Several months ago my head began hurting very badly, and a HORRIBLY ANNOYING ringing sound developed inside my head (personally I thought I was going to have to make a visit to the whacko-shack again. I don't like that place *huff* rawrrr =w=) 
AND Sometimes the ringing would be soft and not note-worthy, and other times it would be loud enough to the point I couldn't understand what people were saying. Or that I began getting dizzy or getting an intense headache (actually lol I have a few stories that go along with this. Kinda funny / scary depending on how you look at it XD)!
So my dad decided to tell my doctor about it, who recommended that because of my surgery in late 2008 - early 2009 that we tell my surgeon about it since it may be an after-effect related to that event. Which it was! Smart man to see the connection.

Apparently the surgery that I had on my ear earlier went BAD. D8
Meaning that when they had put the artificial bones inside my eardrum to attempt and bring up the hearing levels inside my left-ear to normal hearing standards, two plastic bone-replacements for my 2 and 3rd string bones (the ones that vibrate on sound waves, allowing you to hear) ended up completely SNAPPING because they were too thin.***

BASICALLY: I need to have another surgery (probably) or there will be a foresaken ringing inside my head driving me mad! Because my brain thought, "Oh. You lost a lot of hearing so suddenly... lets just have this ringing sound to fill that void!" xD
It's pretty much the same as how someone who lost their right foot, or some other body part, might still feel like their foot itches or something since their brain saved memories of the feeling.


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