
"First Daay."


Mmkay, So today was my first day back to school. Uhh. It was alright. I wished that I was in the same Homeroom with my other friends D: Im only really close friends to liek 2 people in my HomeRoom. the rest I know, But Im not that close to them T.T Pluuus, I dont really like them D: Not meant to be racist or anything but, Me and my locker buddy/Close buddy are like, the ONLY asian girls in the class @w@
I SWEAAR, Its just me and her, the rest are different cultures... Dx Plus I have, 3 snobby "cool" Popular guys in my class. -w- Charlie is okay, He never talks though .-. Jimmy is alright, I talked to him once  or twice before, we're anime
 whenever we talk its always about anime. xD then theres Anthony, he.... well, Everygirl like , Likes him. ._. and he always flirts with the 9th graders and stuff. It's always weird to be around him.... All weell.

Kay Things that i Like about Grade 8 (Day 1)
- I have band with Martin~ and Austin and Andy. (imma pwn their asses [: , we're all competing to see who can get the Grade 8 Top Band Award, Last year I got the 7th Grade one, Its engraved on the stone thing near the main office ;D)
- I have Double Art with Lisa and Austin, I still dont know who I have French with yet...
- I have Mr.Riberdy for Math & Science ;DDD He's the most awesomeest teacher ever (:
- I got all of the Options I wanted, besides Guitar... ; Double Art, Band, and Keyboards.
- I can talk/bond abit moar with mr. COUGHCOUGHsomeone;DCOUGHCOUGH since our homerooms are close.
- Valentines Day is on a SCHOOL DAY~! 8DD might make chocolate for someone..
- We get to Disect things in Science nextnext moonth! ;DD
- All of my teachers are pretty much Laid back,they let us listen to our Ipods, and Chew Gum, I cant do that in Band of course tho...
- Theres a School Dance coming up soon ;D
-I am, SO GLAD that I didnt get Botros for Math. 8DDD

Things that I DONT like about Grade 8(day1)
- Im friggin seperated from everyone -w-
- I got Mr.Luu for Gym, I like him but... I WANTED MR.MAYBERRY DX
- We're all forced to take French and Health -w- The teachers I got are nice but... Dx
- My locker is being stubborn, I can NEVER get it to open,In grade 7 I NEVER had a problem with my locker, why now? TwT

Ehh, and thats pretty much about what I have to rant about School. Even though its the second day... Im just sad that Im away from everyone ):


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