
Omg, it's a title.

{ He took her hand into his own, lavishing it with soft kisses. Wonderment filled his mind..is this what love was, truely? Surely this sweet fantasy cannot compare.. if this is love, I'll take it. Forevermore. }

pfffff safhgipg;sglklss I heard people missed me. Is that seriously true? I hope so, for I thought that all dreaded my goofy randomness and the fact that barely anyone understands what I type and or say. hommggg type a response if you srsly missed me. Meanwhile I`ll continue to write whatever the heck I was above there ^ I mean honestly, double-u-tee-eff? Who are they? roflmao.

{ Hand in hand they danced in graceful circles. His warm breathe entwining with her own. Round and round they spun, tightening invisble strings, binding their destiny as one. Rose petals seem'd to know fate was calling as they gently floated in the air. Spinning, twisting, twirling. Hours and hours they flew around the granite flooring; tighter and tighter the string bound them. So tight as to claim it twas chain, for there is not a difference it could have made. Dawn arises soon. To forge two as one for eternity. .Love would soon take the lovebirds' distant future. }


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