
derp YESHH

I AM NOT DYING, I CAN GO TO SCHOOL FRIDAY. 8D //pasts some stuff from her dA *lazy* LOL GO HETALIA
ohcrapsticks this is a boring post

Article One;
So yes, I am quite ill. It is very discomforting to have to miss school, I have to make it all up later on! But my father claims I will be well by Wednesday and to not worry.. I really want to go to school Friday to see the WWII //Hetalia in disguise play at the Civic center!
And I would like to thank all of you who wished me good health and showed your concern, it was very kind of you! (I would squish you all up into a hug, but I could infect you and I already glomp/hug too much as it is) D:

Article Two;
On Friday my entire level will be taking the whole day of classes off to go visit the "Civic Center" (A place where plays, concerts, and other various forms of entertainment are put on)! Which I do in fact plan on going on a complete and utter hay day as soon as I step foot onto the bus, because it will be awfully similar to APH; which means I will probably be all hyped up on happiness, "Yay! Go Germany-kun!" and "OMFG. SFJSIOFN UK-SAN AND AMERICA-KUN! *day dreamings*" will most likely be the results of it. : D I am extremely excited for this momentous trip!

Article Three;
It is nearly Ti-chan's birthday! Don't disregard her, please! I am sure she would appreciate it very much if you were to bid her a happy birthday! (November 28, oh my- I seem to be a tad early like an eager-beaver) Go, go~! [[Happy birthday, again, icon buddy!]] <33

Article Four;
As you may have noticed already due to my "subtle" hints.. I am re-obsessing over Axis Powers Hetalia. Previously I watched all the anime to episode 22, but then I got swept up in frivolous family affairs that had a need to be taken care of. So I am now getting back into my Hetalia fan rut and will hopefully improve my art enough to be able to draw shame-less fan arts. ; u ; //sobs in happiness of her future art dream




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