

i think i have it, prob do.

Anyways, moving on towards somethings that might actually matter but really don't cause BG never says anything totally serious. rofloll So yeah, I am deffinitely moving. This will be either the eighth or ninth time I've moved before even getting into High School or college, crazy stuff! My mother placed an offer on a house a few hours away in a bigger city and it has been accepted; so we'll end up moving sometime soon. (all our crap is in boxes already any way...)

And I am very sorry for not being online a whole lot! I try to log onto YouTube and DevART at least once or twice a week to respond to any messages and let people know how I am doing, but it's hard. Hopefully it will get easier since my mom's car (the one that died about two hours away with my laptop in the trunk) is back with my laptop in-tack, I might be able to spend a bit of lengthier time online the next several days.. Except I got a bit of homework needing to be sorted through and completed. If you know me from V.net.. So sorry, man! I just kind of died in the middle of it, sorry. It is hard for me to commit during the school year and the summer, I really had to try hard for V.com to be able to get online at a regular pattern at all. 'Cause I got a lot of crap that needs to get done. Namely my chores of feeding the rabbits, chickens, guineas, dogs, the cat. Cleaning out the sheds, cutting down trees, cleaning the house, picking up the tree limbs from pruning, and blah blah other stuff. Not to hard to do, if I didn't have family that is all up in your face every other minute. I swear I can't even go to the bathroom and be gone for two minutes before I hear someone banging on the door yelling at me, the dogs howling as loud as they can, my nephew screaming and bawling his eyes out, and my sister going "AAASHHHYY-POOO! WHEEERREE ARREEE YOUUU?" It annoys me to no bounds! XD


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