Has anyone read that book? It is actually pretty good! This is some of the poems I was doodling on my essay that I had to turn in at the end of the four week class as homework, and it was the one I read at school for the school's extra period in the day called "Reading SKINNY". Otherwise I would not have found it... Considering it's a little "thin" for my liking- don't want a book to end too soon! It's cool, though! Based on like the early 1800s, I think, and it has samurai, lords, Shogun, and ninjas. <3 <3
A life for a life
The young samurai thought
Some things have prices
Lady Osuni knows, surely
She payed with her life, mused he
A child is lost in the wood
He calls out for me
But I am not there, not now
I hear him cry out
He slumps over, grows still
He is lost, not found
Paws become my hands
He is at a loss of words
Small ears and tail fade
I hear him gasp, still wordless
No longer a fox, I grin
Where is the fox?
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