
While My Download Is Finishing

Hey there, Zeph here!

Sooo, while I wait for my download to finish, I decided to make a little blog spot 8D

My computer is heating up like CRAZY and is making weird sounds, so ya, thought I'd leave youtube alone for a while xD

Hmm, what's been going on lately? Nothing much~ My friend, FAIL as usual, broker her wrists while falling down. She was actually trying to decrease the shock, but ended up with no hands! So yeah, we were unable to go skating D: And anyways, skating in July is EX-PEN-SIVE! And I'm the only one of my friends without a job... Grumbleeeeeee...

Blah, I lurk around V.ca often nao, and am trying to flood the RP section~

I'm looking for a new place to RP, but there's really nothing like home ;D My first forum <33 But everyone seems so busy nowadays and no one's on D:

Oh wellerz. Now what?

Next week, Thursday to Sunday, I'm going to CAMP! Like I do every year! WHOOT! It is going to me awesomesauce, though less than last yeard DX There are plenty of ppl who aren't going this year cuz they're travelin. Sniffles.

Also, the website I am most active on right now would be DevArt. I mean, I check is more regularly than Vessy~ DA's like the only website I've stuck to since Internet was introduced to me xD

Anyways, I LOVE YOU GUYS~! Hope you have a super duper summer ;D Even though it's kinda late to say that, but wtv!~



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