

Mmkay, today waaas a Loong daay @w@
Me & my friends decided to shop together at Chinook Centre, a Large ash Mall thats WAAAAY down somewheere, Far away from where we normally Chill. So Cindy was getting there straight from Chinese School, and Anda &Jessica.L were meeting somewhere to eat so they were coming abit late. So I had to Bus/C-train. T.T It was soo scaaary. Dx I normally Bus &C-Train like, ALL THE TIME but it was scary cuhz I was going to a place I only went with my family. So like, it was hard remembering what train to take. Dx but amazingly, I got there o_o. But I had to leave early cuhz since I was C-training home, Its best to do it when its still nice and bright out. I dun EVAR wanna do it alone and at night o_o
Thats just, Too scary >.<

So after we walked around fer abit, Cindy and Anda wanted to watch "Devil" this creepy horror movie. I was liek, NO WAY :\ cuhz 1. I cant stand Horror Movies, I will freakin cry halfway. 2. It was leik PG14, Im still 13, I dun wanna break tha rules D: somehow Cindy and Anda got in :\ 3. They never told me they were planning on watching a Movie. All I heard was that we were going shopping.
But Jessica.L wanted to watch some other movie. so we were like "Arguing" xDD. So in the end, Me and Jessica L just walked around the mall and shopped while Cindy and Anda watched the movie.

Me and Jessica L liek, we walked around, went into everystore and just looked at the Accesories. XDD
I wasnt really close to Jessica until today, we both like to Read and yeeah. xDD Jessica was like "Ohh, Im glad you like reading books, want to head to Chapters then? I know Anda, she hates Books." Plus Cindy neverever reads. xDD SO yeah, it was nice. we shopped around and found out we had the same interests.

OKAYOKAY, when we were arguing, These guys came up to us and were like, "Heey, *Hands us Boxes with Dancing people on them* There Mints, trust us. Oh and Hey, would you like to come back in 20 minutes? We're doing a dance show and we would love to see you guys watch." Anda was like "OMG, WE CAN HAVE THESE? FOR FREEE? ~~" XDD So yeeah. We watched them fer abit and like, they gave us "Mirrors" too. xDD I'll show you pictures later. Oh and Anda was all like "omg, can i have yo numba? 8D" then the dude was like. "Uhh... OH WAIT." then he runs back and gives us his Card. XDDD SERIOUSLY, HE DID. XDDD Pictures will show. The Dance was pretty kewl. They were promoting "Street Dance 3D" taht was coming out in October.

Okay, so like while shopping with Jessica, I saw this ADORABLE Pikachu shirt 8D
OF COOURSE I got it, Imma wear it on monday 8) But while shopping, we kept taking Perfume Samples. XDD I sprayed like 5 thousand different perfumes. Then I like stuffed them in my bag. xDD Nao my Bag smells reallly guud 8D 

So like after the movie, Cindy and Anda were of course Scared. xDD They said they were the only ones who screamed, the rest of the people laughed at them. xDD I feel sorry but I want to laugh too. xD
Im glad I didnt watch it. The story is, 5 people are like locked in an Elevator with a Devil. And he like kills or like does bad luck and stuff with them. SO yeah, once i heard the plot, It was a automatic no for me. I get scared really easy so like, if I DID watch it, I would of died. -w-

But before they watched the Movie, we played Ski-Ball. 8DD So fun, Cindy & Me vs. Anda & Jessica.L xDDD Me and Cindy won all two games ~
First time ever playing Ski-Baall. (:

So yeah, My trip home was abit moar scary. I was scared that it was gunna get Pitch Black in like Minutes. xDD so i kept trying to hurry home. Plus i almost forgot what train to take back to Downtown. o_o Kay, So I take a Bus to a C-Train Station, Then I take the Downtown C-Train. Then I switch C-Trains, and head waay down to Chinook Station, Then I take a minibus that takes me straight to Chinook Mall. I like Panic-ed then was like, OKAY, I AM POSITIVE THAT IT IS THIS TRAIN. so i take it and luckily, I got it right. xDD

Ehh, my day was okaay, Pretty fun, but eh, Tiring. xD

Mirror thiing~

LOL THE GUYS CARD. His name ish Jeffrey 8D
The back of his caard.

perfume samples 8)

Hahaha, sorry fer bad quality pictures, Webcam = Sucks. xD


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