

I think I might get easily obsessed with things [/le sigh]. :0
If you don't believe me, you should check out my current project: "WIZARDING CAFE".  I may or may not ('cause we all know how short of an attention span I have) indulge myself in the further expansion/creation of it. Probably will just so I have a dump for any "Harry Potter" signatures/banners, icons, fan art, or fanfiction that I may have in the future... actually, it just so happens that I am plotting some fanfiction.  =)

So I figured I would just make this to say that I am feeling like cat barf at the moment (better than two days ago, mind you), am still raving over the "Harry Potter" series, and seriously (my mom just told me haha) needs to go to sleep!

*Read the boldface words if you want to cop-out on reading that mess of crap!


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